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Speak English, Trinity College style, in India

English is the international medium of communication and it is gaining more prominence. India’s examination system is producing students who excel on the theory of the English language but have problems with practical skills, especially spoken English.

Orient Blackswan (formerly Orient Longman), India’s leading publishing house, and Trinity College London, an internationally renowned examination institution, have joined hands to bring the prestigious Trinity ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) examinations to India.

Trinity College London has been offering external examinations since 1870, initially as part of Trinity College of Music, the internationally renowned music conservatoire. In 1938 language examinations were incorporated into the syllabus. Now Trinity delivers 500,000 assessments in over 60 countries worldwide. At Trinity, the focus is on communicative English.

Trinity CEO Sarah Kemp's Visit to Hyderabad: 5-Feb-10

Trinity ESOL at RR Khammam, Nov-07

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